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Enamel stripping, also known as IPR (Interproximal Reduction), is a common dental procedure used to create space between teeth by removing a small amount of enamel from their sides. This technique is often employed in orthodontics to help align teeth properly, especially when there is crowding or to create room for braces or other orthodontic treatments.

Is it something new?

Enamel stripping itself is not new and has been used in dentistry for many years. It’s a well-established procedure that orthodontists use routinely to achieve better alignment and aesthetics for patients undergoing orthodontic treatment.

Is it safe?

When performed by a trained professional, enamel stripping is considered safe. The amount of enamel removed is very small (usually fractions of a millimeter), and the procedure is typically painless as it usually doesn’t involve the nerves inside the teeth. It’s important to note that enamel is the outer layer of the tooth, and while removing a small amount doesn’t generally weaken the tooth significantly, it’s essential to follow your orthodontist’s recommendations and maintain good oral hygiene.

If you have any concerns about the procedure, it’s best to discuss them directly with your orthodontist. They can provide specific information about why they are recommending enamel stripping and address any questions you may have about its safety and potential benefits for your dental health and aesthetics.

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