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Starting orthodontic treatment is a big deal! The various adjustments to living with your new appliances additional care, hygiene routine, and discomfort are expected, however if you are an athlete, you may require additional protection during contact sports. The risk of injury during contact sports can be greater if your teeth are not protected especially when orthodontics manipulate the position of teeth.


SISU is the best mouthguard for orthodontic treatment and braces. SISU mouthguards are thin and can be remoulded as the teeth are shifting unto 20 times!  

Using revolutionary Diffusix™ technology, SISU Mouthguards are eight times tougher and 30-50% stronger than conventional mouthguards. Athletes with braces can start each game with confidence, knowing that your SISU is there to protect you and your orthodontic treatment.

 Talk to your orthodontist, Dr. Maree about your mouthguard fitting with braces or clear aligners.


Contact us for an obligation-free consult